Preserve the past and shape the future at the Rylands US


If you would like to speak about your donation please get in touch with us at We'd be delighted to help.

Appearing on our Donor Wall

Please let us know if you'd be happy for your name, gift amount and location to appear on our online Donor Wall.

If you select 'Show name and amount' or 'Show name only', your gift will appear on our online Donor Wall alongside those of other supporters. The Donor Wall will display your name, city/town and (where appropriate) your gift amount. Thank you.

Please tell us how you are connected with the University

Your details

Home Address

The University of Manchester Division of Development and Alumni Relations (DDAR) processes personal information in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation. Our Privacy Notice covering use of your data if you give to the University via Hubbub is here: and broader information on how DDAR processes your information is here: Further information about data protection at the University is available here: Please tell us how you want to hear from the DDAR by contacting us on

If you make a gift via Hubbub in USD, this is to the North American Foundation for The University of Manchester (NAFUM), a US 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organisation. NAFUM will process your gift, and your information in accordance with its own privacy practices. DDAR will also receive your information. For more information please see the ‘University Recognised Partner Foundations’ section of our Privacy Notice here:

Remember the University in your will

If you would like to share details of a gift you have left to the University in your will please email Legacy Officer, Amy Harris at

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